Maik Kleinert Maik Kleinert

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It was a pleasure to work with Maik together. He took away the scariness to stay in front of the camera and let me shine like a superstar. It was a supernatural and professional photo shooting.
I highly recommend working with him to get the right photos for your business.

- Carolin

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Maik Kleinert Maik Kleinert

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As the first Guayusa startup in Europe, Maik Kleinert has been actively supporting us in photography, film and social media marketing since the beginning of 2019. His extensive knowledge is well-founded and based on experience. Thanks to his commitment, we were able to further expand and consolidate our lead as market leader in 2019. He has become an indispensable member of our team.

- GUYA - @drinkGUYA

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Maik Kleinert Maik Kleinert

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Als erstes Guayusa-Startup in Europa unterstützt uns Maik Kleinert seit Anfang 2019 aktiv im Bereich Fotografie, Film und Social Media Marketing. Sein umfangreiches Wissen ist fundiert und basiert auf Erfahrung. Dank seines Engagements konnten wir 2019 unseren Vorsprung als Marktführer weiter ausbauen und festigen. Er ist zu einem unverzichtbaren Mitglied unseres Teams geworden.

- GUYA - @drinkGUYA

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